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Case 7: A Growing Thigh

52-years old with a 1 year history of gradual increase in the size of the right thigh

A 52-years old lady presented with an increase in the size of the right thigh for a year. Local doctors had given some ointments, but when it finally started paining, the family met an orthopedic surgeon.

X-rays and MRI were done. Following the MRI, a biopsy was done.


What is the likely diagnosis?

  1. Chronic abscess

  2. Chronic hematoma

  3. Sarcoma

  4. Cystic schwannoma

To see the answer and the discussion, you can either see this video or the one above. The video describes the approach to a soft tissue mass in short.

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Last Week’s Quiz

Bone and Soft Tissue Neoplasms
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Bone and Soft Tissue Neoplasms
Soft Tissue Lesions
Soft tissue tumors and tumor mimics
Bhavin Jankharia