Case 8: Left Groin Pain and Swelling
13-years old with pain and swelling in the left groin for 3 months
This is a 13-years old with pain and swelling in the left groin for 3 months.
X-rays and MRI were done, followed by a biopsy.
What do you think this is?
Ewing sarcoma
The answer is here.
Last week’s answer is here
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Osteoid may be present in Ewing…sir i have a question….on mri skip lesion and abrupt transition of marrow will b present in both Ewing and osteosarcoma?
After conclusion of ur talk the point where i reached is that we have to done biopsy always for Ewing sarcoma ..osteomyelitis…osteosarcoma before start there treatment………as on imaging we can not surely differentiate between these……?correct me if i m wrong sir